Customer Testimonials

Find Out What Our Customers are Saying:

Cynthia in Clearwater

Services:  Pressure cleaning the roof, the driveway, the lanai, the sidewalk.

Comments:  Due to a family situation, we had to change the scheduled date for the work to be done. They were accommodating. They were able to switch one customer who was willing to trade the date for another day, and that took time. I appreciated their making the effort instead of just saying no, we can’t, we’ll have to reschedule. As far as the quality of their work, it’s superb. I’ve had my home pressure cleaned before, and this is the first time I can say it was genuinely a very professional job. From the roof, to the lanai, to the sidewalks, to the driveway, they were wonderful.


Robert in Dunedin

Services:  Power wash pool birdcage (screen enclosure) and areas around outside kitchen etc.

Comment:   . . . they arrived on time and performed their work in an efficient and friendly manner. The results were excellent!


John in Palm Harbor

Services:   Pressure clean pool deck, clean out gutters

Comment:  They did a fine job.  I have them here every spring and summer. Always do an exceptional job.


Jeanne & Gerald in St Petersburg

Services:  Pressure clean Tile roof, pool enclosure and deck

Comment:  Thanks the Grimebusters!  Most neighbors thought our roof was naturally Grey!  Egads!  Kim and crew exceeded expectations.  So much so we padded the check.  We received more than what we were given.

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